Saturday, November 2, 2013


I just made a new quilty blogging buddy.  She suggested that I add the INBOX option that is available on Blogger.  I had never thought of it before.  Some bloggers prefer to follow new posts by email.  So, I added the link.  It is on my sidebar at the very top if you are interested. 

Getting back to my new quilty blogging buddy...her name is Caroline and she lives in Telkwa,  B. C .   a very long way from Halifax, Nova Scotia.    If you like quilts with a story, check out Caroline's "Smithers Centennial " quilt.   It is just amazing and she has entered it in the Bloggers Quilt  Festival.  Here is the link if you would like to vote for her quilt.

I would like to show you another birthday gift I received from my crochet- crazy cousin.  She is a whiz at crochet and most times doesn't use a pattern.  Have you ever seen a crocheted apron?  It even has a loop at the waist to hang your tea towel and instead of burying the ends when she added a new colour, she secured them and made little bows, all over the apron,  and it fits me perfect.