Sunday, February 27, 2011

Out of the Bag!!

Three years ago I started the Barbara Walker Learn-to-Knit Afghan. I bought the book and all the yarn required.   I completed the first six squares and then into the bag and out of sight it went!!  There are 64 squares altogether.  As you knit along you learn lots of different knitting techniques.  While on Ravelry the other day (I hadnt visited for quite some time and I really need to update my page) I decided to check out some of my groups and see what was new. I was inspired to dig out my afghan project and get started again. I've mentioned before that I find knitting difficult but I persist. Except with sock-knitting.  I  gave up on my sock.  I dont think I will be revisiting either.  I'm a scarf knitter,or dishcloths, items that have no shape. And I am happy with that.  What does the frustrated knitter do???   She QUILTS!!!